Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Tiger Woods announced today he will return to golf at The Masters. This prompted me to write today about forgiveness. I believe this is one of God's most important commandments. Though it's not one of the Ten , it is what being a Christian is really about. Jesus stated he came to earth to serve not be served. He is the one who will judge all, we are here to serve the lost and forgive them of their trespasses. We all are sinners and fall short of the glory of God. Let yesterday pass and forgive those who have done you wrong and relieve yourself of that anger. Don Henley wrote a song called The Heart of the Matter. He said i think it's about forgiveness even if you don't love me anymore. That you better let go of all that anger or it will eat you up inside. In closing remember Jesus died for your sins even before you were born, so the least you can do is follow in his footsteps.

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