Monday, March 22, 2010

America's Awakening

For the first time in my life the majority of people believe the Government has done something unconstitutional. Thanks for finally noticing, they have been doing it from the start.In a country where people believe the constitution granted them rights, it amazes me they have not used the only rights they have always had. The right to vote has been around since the signing of the constitution except for women 1920. This country only has at best a 50 % voter turnout. That is your fault America,shame on you. The other right which i think has been the only true right you have ever had is the right to remain silent.I guess voters have used it.the other half of the world that should use it doesn't. Remember people that this your Government , take it back by exercising your right to vote. If it is suppose to be for the will of the people then vote your senator or representative out of office when you disagree with their votes. If i was you and was from a state that my two senators voted for a bill that the majority of people was against i would vote them out. In closing i remind you of what Jesus told the people "give to Caesar what is his and to God what is his." God can't be voted out Caesar can!

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