Monday, October 24, 2011


In many ways today people lack the courage or intelligence to take responsibility for their own actions. Whether it's congress blaming the President or the President blaming the last President for their own transgressions. When you are in charge that means you take responsibility for yourself and the folks you hire. They may make a gaff that you may or may not have to defend, especially if the person doesn't take it upon themselves to own it. As a human being you must take responsibility for what you do or say and suffer the consequences of that. Hank Williams Jr. used an analogy of poor choice of words. He has free speech and free will, but why is everyone so pissy about what people say. I look at it as this i'm not offended by being called fat or stupid or a Mick and or Injun. Those things i might be. That is someones opinion of me and opinions are like assholes everyone has one, some have two if their married. I do take offense to being called a liar or late for supper. Others opinion of me is just like mine of them, who cares. If you want people to respect you even if they don't care for your opinion or politics is to own your own words and actions and stand up for what you believe. I know many people i like that's opinion differ from mine.I respect those who live by those rules. I don't respect people that blame everything in life on others and pass the buck to someone else. Own your mistakes and face the jury but don't blame in on your parents because they didn't hug you enough.

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