Monday, January 17, 2011

I have no Dream!

Martin Luther King had a dream he never lived to see from this earth! He has seen some of it come true from afar! His last speech said " i Have been to the Mountain top and seen the other side." I don't put my faith in people because The Lord said only have faith in me! He is correct of course. You can't believe in the things you see because they are not always true. You get 10 witnesses to a crime and get 10 different stories. I have never believed Oswald acted alone, not real sure we went to the moon. Can't believe Elvis had only one child and Michael Jackson had more. Martin Luther King had a dream that he believed in the God of all beings and that everyone would be judged on the content of their character not the color of their skin. They will and he will see it come Judgement Day when every knee shall bow and ever tongue shall confess that he is God!

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