Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Voice you listen to

Most people's thought originate in their own mind. There are two voices you can listen to.The Devil and The Holy Spirit. Jesus said he would never leave our side,well the Devil made the same promise. He will work twice as hard to convince you to do what you want.If you are a Christian you know it is not your life you are leading. God gave us free will but he expects Christians to follow in his image. We were put on this earth to glorify his name and you can only do that by doing what he would do. It is a constant struggle to live like Jesus. He is perfect and we were born in sin. The next time you want to do something you have to question listen to the voice that inside you says "don't do that" not the one that says "It is your life do what feels good." Remember there is no peace in your life unless you follow his lead. You will truly feel better if you have a personal relationship with Jesus. If you talk to him regularly like you do your earthly father he will answer you with his blessings and fear and worry shall not hinder you. "We have the mind of Christ." 1Corinthians 2:16