Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Has been a while since i have talked to my three followers! It isn't without saying that i have not been thinking! This President and the current economic brain dead congress has me thinking. If Reagan had Voodoo economics, what the hell does Obama have? This guy never ceases to amaze me. Any dumb ass can tell you this is America we like to buy shit, especially American made shit. When people are taxed on air consumption we do not have a enough money left to pay attention. It is this simple, Government regulation as we know it has to go bye bye. You can not legislate behavior. It is time to scrap the IRS and go with what i believe is the best idea of a consumption tax. You would receive all of your gross pay minus your chosen deductions. There would be a tax on things you purchase say 17%, less food in a grocery store which would have no tax. Foreign Aid would cease except for help in natural disasters. One thing America has that no other country really has is food. We can grow anything. We don't need to buy oil we have all we need plus every other resource we need. Balance the trade issue and renew manufacturing by eliminating the corporate tax on goods made in the USA.

We need less Government and more leadership.Remember attitude reflects leadership. That is why we have no bi- partisanship in this country. Hell his own party doesn't like him. Remember you have the right to vote and i suggest you inform yourself anyway possible and vote you choice or shut the hell up!